Sister in Law Fucked by mistake

 This is a story of how I mistook my wife’s elder sister as my wife and it happened all of a sudden that we both gave in to the carnal desires. This is actually a true story that has happened to me.

A little background before we start the story. Let me tell you about my wife, Shilpa. She is 30 years old, very fair with awesome structure. Her elder sister, Devki is married and is 32 years old. 

Devki’s husband had severe health problems in recent times and he was getting well recently. He used to work in Mumbai and my in-laws lived in Bangalore. Everyone who sees them together always say they almost look the same. Devki’s husband always made the comment that they both look the same and I used to get mad at him for this. Both Shilpa and Devki got pregnant at the same time. But my wife’s was pregnant for the 1st time and Devki was pregnant for the second time.

I live in USA. As my wife was pregnant and she could not cope up with living alone at home after I went to office, her health was getting affected. Doctor suggested that there should be someone to take care of her. As Devki was also pregnant, their mother i.e. my mother-in-law will not be able to come down to USA and stay with us. I then decided that Shilpa can go home and stay with her parents. So, I took leave for a week and went to India and dropped her off and came back to USA. In the meanwhile, my wife’s sister Devki had already given birth to a baby girl.
After good 4 months, my wife also delivered a baby girl. Everyone was really very happy. I told my boss the good news and asked for leave so that I can go see my daughter. I booked my flight but didn’t tell my wife or my parents that I was coming because I wanted to surprise them. I got to Bangalore late night and surprised everyone at home. My wife was very happy to see me and so was I. but I was a little disappointed that I could not find any alone time to do it with her.
Because of my jet lag, I went to sleep early and since I had come unannounced. My in laws and my wife and her younger brother had planned to visit a temple near Bangalore and they planned to leave early morning. My wife tried to wake me to tell me they were going but since I was really tired, I didn’t get up. She just told her elder sister who had decided to stay back with her kids at home, to tell me as soon as I wake up.

This was all the initial set up. From here on, the story begins.

My wife and her family has left very early in the morning and I had no idea that they were gone. It was still dark and I was sleep on a bed that had mosquito protection covering over it. I was woken up slightly by the sound of someone who was cleaning the table on the other side of the room. It was not clear as I was half asleep and also I was seeing through the mosquito protection layer. I can see the dark red night that my wife used to wear and so I thought it was my wife cleaning the table. I was assured that this is my only chance before everyone wakes up and we get busy. I also knew that my father in law will be sitting right outside my room reading newspaper early morning, so I have to be very quiet.

I slowly got out of the bed and tip toed towards my wife. I quickly put one arm on her stomach and the other arm on her mouth. She was taken aback by this and started struggling and I wanted to whisper in her ears that it’s me and she needs to calm down but she was struggling way too much.  I then thought if I can arouse her then she will calm down as I am sure she knew it was me, I mean who else will come into our room. My favorite kissing spot is the nape of the shoulders and that’s where I started kissing slowing while holding her tightly. I was afraid she might say something loudly and my in laws might hear outside. I kept on kissing and rubbing my hands on her stomach but her struggle was still continuing. I was getting mad at her that I came after 5 months and she is acting like this.

I lifted her in my arms and she was still facing away from me and I took her to the bed. In one swift motion I turned her and quickly removed my hands from her mouth and planted my lips on hers. As soon as I kissed her I felt something different but I thought I am imagining stuff as I have not seen her or kissed her in the past 5 months. She also felt unusually heavy but she always used to say that she had put up weight due to pregnancy. The kiss was not the easy one and I was struggling to part her lips so that I can French her. But her struggle was really started to get on my nerves.

I simply started rubbing my finger on her pussy while kissing her. And slowly her struggle was fading away. She was still not opening her mouth but her breathing was getting heavier and heavier and she started twitching her legs. I knew she was in mood now and I can slowly release my grip on her, remember all this happened in a matter of few minutes in almost darkness.

I finally said to her 

Me: What’s wrong Shilpa, why are you not kissing me?

And I tried to kiss again and this time she responded by slightly opening her mouth. It was a deep and passionate kiss and lasted only for a few minutes and then I broke up the kiss and started kissing her neck. She was breathing heavily and I can hear her moans. I quickly removed all my clothes and help her hands and placed them on my face and slowly started to take them down and her hands were literally shaking. It was weird again but I brushed it off thinking it’s been 5 months. Her hands reached my chest and I had a lot of chest hair, I mean a lot of it. She gripped them tightly, as if feeling them for the first time. I was continuously kissing and sucking her luscious lips. I then took her hands down and placed them on my erect throbbing dick and she quickly took her hands off of it.

When she took her hands off my dick I got really annoyed and simply got up and turned on the lights. And there I was stark naked standing in front of my sister in law Devki. I was too shocked to move or even hide myself and I simply stood there, she was standing there with her disheveled hair just steering at me. I thought I should say something but all I could stammer was I am sorry I didn’t know and she simply left the room. I went behind till the door of the room before realizing that I am naked.

She left the room and I stood there seeing her. She walked in hurry till she reached her room and looked back once and went inside. I could see there was a deep pain in her face. I came back to my senses and Walked back to my bed and sat there blank. I sat there for almost 45 minutes think of all sorts of problems this will cause in my family if anyone comes to know about it. It was already 7 in the morning and suddenly my phone in my room rang and I thought my sister in law will pick it up in the next room but she didn’t. I finally received the call and it was my wife. She said I was in deep sleep so she didn’t disturb me and they have been to a town at the outskirts of Bangalore city and they should be back by 3 or 4. She also told me that Devki and her kids are at home and she will have the breakfast and the lunch ready for me. I said she should have woke me up and I would have come with her.
She said I was too tired because of the jet lag and I should rest. I said ok and hung up the phone. I didn’t know what to do now. I finally made up my mind that I will go and apologize to Devki and tell her it was a mistake and we should forget it as a bad dream. I put on my clothes and went looking for her.

I went straight to her room but she was not there, and her 2 kids were in deep sleep. I heard dishes sound coming from the kitchen and I slowly walked to the kitchen. There she was, Devki was cleaning utensils and she was wearing my wife’s nighty, that’s what I had seen. I went there and I could see tears flowing through her eyes. 

Me: I am sorry for what happened Devki.

She didn’t turn back and continued to do what she was doing.

Me: I am really sorry I thought you are Shilpa as you were wearing her nighty and it was dark there. When I said that she stopped washing and slowly turned around, her eyes were red and filled with tears and I could not see her like that. I continuously kept pleading to her that I was mistaken, and finally she spoke.

Devki: See Ajay, I am not angry on you, I knew you had mistaken me as your wife.

Me: Then why are you feeling so bad, is it because what happened in the room?

Devki: No, it’s because I let it happened.

Me: But I had covered your mouth, you could not have said anything even if you wanted to?

Devki: Don’t be naïve Ajay, you did let go of my mouth and I still didn’t say anything. I am so disappointed in myself that I am contemplating suicide.

I was shocked, and without much thinking I just went ahead and hugged her. She just pushed me back and started crying a lot. I once again tried to hug her to calm her down. But she out write refused to be held and asked me to leave her alone.
I was really depressed and walked back to my room and locked it. After a while she knocked on my door and simply gave me food and walked away. After a while I heard someone talking in the hall and I took a glance. It was her father in law and mother in law; they had come to visit them.

I was really scared that she might tell them what happened, but she was behaving normally. They spent some time with their grandchildren and had lunch. They said if they knew everyone was out of town they would have come tomorrow. The main reason they had come was to take the kids and Devki home with them.
But since I was there at home too, they asked if they can take only the elder daughter with them. Devki even though a little hesitant didn’t have any other choice. Then they left. She fed her baby and it was asleep. She asked me to have lunch. I was sitting at the dining table and neither of us was saying anything. We finished out lunch and I went back to my room. After a while she knocked on my door and asked if she can come in. I said yes. She came in and asked:

Devki: Why did this happen to us? How will we be able to forget all this?

Me: I am really sorry I should have said something; I thought everyone is at home and if I don’t cover your mouth, they will hear us.

Devki: You really didn’t know it was not Shilpa, but me?

Me: No, in between I was feeling weird but it has been 5 long months for me so my carnal desires took over me.

Devki: hmmm.

Me: Can I ask you something?

Devki: Yes.

Me: When I finally did take my hands off, you could have said something, why didn’t you?

There was silence in the room and she was trying to figure out what to say. Finally,

Devki: you know my hubby had the worst year and his health has been very down. It’s been almost over a year since we have done it. So when you finally touched me I simply lost control. She continued.

Devki: I don’t know about my younger sister but my needs have a very strong control over me.

Me: (didn’t know how to react) I can understand, we were both in the same boat but I want to confess something.

Devki: looked with a weird face.

Me: I somehow knew later that it was not Shilpa, and I had figured out it was you. (I lied)

Devki: What? Then why didn’t you say anything, why didn’t you stop.

Me: Do you think we were in a position to stop, there was no way we could have stopped it. I am just trying to tell you that we were both taken over by our desires and it was very natural, what happened.

Devki: What? How can it be natural, we are in laws to each other.

Me: For a moment, forget what we are, only remember that you are a woman and I am a man. And when the hunger of our body takes over, we simply do what comes natural.

Devki: So what you are saying is, that it was alright and it was a big miss-understanding and also that we both are reprieved of sex for so long that we both let it continue?

Me: Yes

Devki: I don’t know what to say, are you saying all this so that I can forget what happened?

Me: Yes and…

Devki: and what?

Me: nothing!

Tell me: no, it’s nothing. So are we OK?

Devki: I think we are.

Me: Can I ask you something? Why did you grip my chest hair so tightly, it was almost hurting?

Devki: you really want me to answer that?

Me: yes I do.

Devki: It’s just that my hubby has a hairless cheat and I liked it a lot, in fact, his looks like a film stars and I thought Ihated hairy chests. But when I ran my hands, it felt different, something else, something I wanted to grip tightly. Forget it, as I said, it was all because I lost control.

There was silence in the room now and I could not help but keep staring at her. She knew I was losing control again and quickly left the room. When she was gone, I could not control myself and simply removed all my clothes and started masturbating as I was beyond the line of control.

I started my laptop and went to my saved videos. There is this song called “thoda sa thehero” from movie “Victoria no. 203” which was remade. The remade song was my favorite, it was sensual and the meaning of the song is awesome. It says “Please wait for a while, I promise you this, all your wishes will be fulfilled, I am all yours so why to hurry”. I just played it and didn’t even bother to close the door. She was watching what I was doing. I guess she could not control either. She ran to her room.

But, after a while, she came back wearing the sexiest lingerie. It was actually my wife’s. But Devki was looking sexier then my wife in it. I was already naked and my dick was rock heard.

I simply ran towards her but she made me stop and said,

Devki: Wait; once I cross this door, we are a man and woman, not relatives. We are both robbed of satisfaction and we both need it. Once done, when I walk out of this room, it’s over. We are back to who we were. Clear?

Me: Yes. Please I can’t control.

Devki: But you have to, didn’t you listen to the song you played. I promise you, all your desires will be full filled, I am all yours so why to hurry and asked me sit on the bed.

She walked in and threw the clothes off one by one as she got near me. Devki was so horny by then that she jumped on me and started kissing fiercely. After 3 minutes of intense kissing, I broke the kiss and made her nude completely. (no waste of time!)

I turned her to the opposite side and started licking her neck and pressing her boobs. I didn’t enjoy the small boobs so didn’t invest much time in them. I made her lie down on the bed and she opened her legs for me. She had maintained her pussy well by shaving all the hairs.

Then I just jumped on her and started to swing my tongue near Devki’s pussy. I intentionally teased her. She got reluctant and scolded me for this. I took a deep smell of her pussy. You won’t believe that intoxicating aroma!

My tongue flicked on her pussy lips which gave a shiver to her. I started licking up and down motion. She was just moving her hips up and down and pressing my head more deeply. Slowly, I entered my tongue inside her pink pussy opening and started thrusting in and out. Her pussy was dripping wet and I lick all the pre-cum.

Then I took some honey and poured it on Devki’s pussy. I started to lick those precum mixed honey. It was so delicious. (Just try it one time when your partner is dripping wet.)

After 2 minutes, I inserted my finger in her hole and finger fucked her. I was simultaneously fingering and licking her cunt vigorously. She just couldn’t hold this and started to moan, “Ah, uh, um..” She was trying to close her mouth, but I told her to let my friend listen to the moan.

Now I inserted 2 fingers in her hole and started thrusting fiercely. She was shouting in pain and pleasure. After 5 minutes of fingering and licking, she shot a huge load of cum on my face. I eagerly swallowed it all. She was shivering and told me –

She: Your brother in law never lick me.

Then I got up, kissed her and told her –

Me: Now it’s your turn.

Then she started to undress me. When she saw my dick her mouth got wide open. My dick length is 6. 5 inches not that much long I know that but it’s 3 inch thick. So basically a very thick shaft. Devki gave a jaw-dropping expression. Her eyes got wide open and she was just saying “please be gentle” in a trembling voice.

Then I said: Shut the fuck up and take it in the mouth!

She obliged and swiped her tongue from base to tip of my dick. That gave me an instant current in my whole body.

After this, she tried to take the dick in her mouth, but only took the tip. I got angry and pulled her hair hard. To which she screamed and that was the moment for me. I thrusted my dick in her mouth and stated to fuck her mouth. I can see tears rolling down her cheeks.

I consoled her with a passionate kiss and returned to the wildness again.

Now I took over the control. I slowly put the tip of my dick in Devki’s mouth and started to and fro motion slowly. After a matter of a few minutes, her mouth got used to the monster and now the punishment began. I started thrusting my dick in and out of her mouth vigorously.

Now I put my whole dick in her mouth and stayed there due to which she gaggled and was up to vomit. Tears were rolling from her eyes, but I didn’t stop. I repeated the same until she begged me to stop.

I opened her mouth and spat in it and again thrust my whole dick in and kept it in for which she almost vomited. I put honey on my dick and let her suck. After 5 minutes, I was about to burst.

When she felt the twitch, she pulled her mouth and all my cum fall on the ground. I got so angry again and said –

Me: If you did this again, then I am off.

She was so horny that she pleaded with me not to. So I ordered her to swallow all the cum from the ground.

She said: I don’t like swallowing cum.

For which I gave a spank on her right boob. She now hurriedly licked all the cum from the ground like a dog.

Then we came in 69 positions (my favorite, but me on top). I put the dick in her mouth and started licking her cunt. I put my whole weight on her, as I like rough sex and fucked her mouth with my dick.

Here I was playing with her clitoris to which she was moving her hips. She also started liking my rough handling and co-operating with me. Now I was hard again and the time was for the main course.

Then I got up and came in the Seashell position (Google it if you don’t know). It is the best position for deep penetration. Now the Devil was ready for the sin.

I first kept the tip of my penis on top of her tight little pussy and started rubbing on it. She was so horny that she begged me to put it in and was so afraid that begged me to go slow. But the Devil was up to no good.

Then I spat on my dick and pushed the tip in her wet cunt. It was so tight for the tip only, the whole thing was still out there. It was paining her so she took her panty and shove them into her mouth not to scream.

But I reluctantly removed the panty and told her to scream as loud as she wanted. You guys can know the pleasure of your friends listening to the screaming of the girl you fuck. It is so satisfying.

Then I slowly started to move in and out only the tip of my dick in her pussy. She was moaning in pleasure thinking I would obey her request to go slow. Now the Devil woke in me and to her surprise I suddenly gave a hard push and half of my dick went in her cunt.

She screamed so loud that the area echoed (you heard the scream in horror movies. It was like that). I felt a little pain in my dick as her little pussy was so tight. She was not a virgin, but still, a little bit of blood came from her pussy.

I think her inner pussy wall couldn’t bear the sudden thrust of that thick dick and tear down.

Tears came out of her eyes due to the intense pain. Then I kissed her and started the movements. I was just doing in and out only that half part. She was still in pain and screaming to take it out.

After some more thrusting, her scream turned into moaning like, “Ah… ah… uh… um…” in pleasure.

I was going a little slow and only pushing the half part. She must be thinking I would fuck her like that and become happy inside. But the Devil woke up again and surprisingly I gave a hard thrust again and the whole length was fully in now.

She screamed so loud again and scolded me: You fucking bastard! Son of a bitch! Why are you doing this to me?

I was in no mood to listen to her and her pain. I just started ramming her hard mercilessly. She was only screaming in pain. When I was banging her, I said-

Me: I know this is what you want, this the adventure you were seeking for

She told me: Yes you idiot, fulfill my thrust. Devki of yours for now. Dig this little cunt as much as you can. Fuck me, baby! fuck me!..Ahh… uhh… aaa… Mmmm. Oh god! Oh god! Stretch this tight little pussy. I am all yours baby screw this pussy.

After fucking for 10 minutes, we came in the doggy style. Devki was on her all four. Till now her little cunt was used to my dick and she was screaming and moaning at the same time. Guys in doggy style her well-rounded 36 size huge ass was a feast to the eyes.


 Then I got more excited by seeing that ass and fucked her even more hard. Till then, she had got 2 huge orgasms. My thick cock was stretching every millimetre of her pussy. I was continuously hitting her G-sport.

She was trembling now and squeezing her pussy on my dick and shaking her whole body. I knew she was closing her 3rd orgasm. So, I increased my speed of thrust and after some time she burst out with a huge groan. She was pushing me away, but I didn’t listen to her and continued fucking.

After about 20 minutes of doggy style, we changed the pose. I applied some water-based lubricant to her pussy. She got a little relief from the burning of her pussy. But I didn’t give her time to relax.

Now by standing I lift her like a baby and she locked her leg and hand on my waist and neck respectively. Her chest was rubbing with mine and I shove my dick in her burning pussy.

Here I started hammering her little burning cunt vigorously, by holding her ass and pulling it to my dick in full force. She was shouting in pain, “Ahhhhhh, uhhhhh.. mmm..” because the burning was too much for her.

But I didn’t show a little mercy and fucked her pussy with my full might. Now the roughness was at its peak.

After 3-4 minutes of fucking in this pose, I brought her in missionary. She was crying in pain and begging me to stop.

I was pushing the whole dick in and kept it for some time and pulled the whole dick out (I mean, fully in-fully out). I continued this as a missionary. The sound when ‘fully in’ was a scream and when ‘fully out’ was a moan. She nearly passed out of breath due to the rough fuck.

She was moaning, “Fuck fuck fuck..” in pain and pleasure. My dick also started to pain due to the rough fuck, but I neglected it and continued screwing her little cunt. Her brown pussy had turned redish now.

Devki: I am as good as dead now.

I again asked if she was enjoying the whole thing to which she said-

Devki: Never felt that pain and pleasure before.

I got excited again and started fucking her. Her huge ass was jiggling with my every thrust and she was saying-

Devki: Oh baby, fuck me! Don’t stop. She was at her 5th orgasm now (I know because she told me that). After 5 minutes of this pose, I was also reaching my climax.

I was just slapping her boobs and ramming her pussy. After about 20 minutes of dry-missionary due to the Red Bull, I was on the verge of collapsing. So I gave a huge last thrust using my whole body weight and strength. She groaned argh and I shot my load in my Devki’s pussy.

After nearly 1 hours of intense fucking, we both got too exhausted. Then I slept on her with my dick still in her. She was now caressing my hair and kissing me and said it was the best sex of her life till now and pleaded me not to ever mention anything regarding this ever again or in front of my wife.

Me: The real thing is still to come. My dick hasn’t tasted your nice ass hole yet.

Devki : But we agreed to do this only one time. Didn’t we ?

Me: So you are saying you don’t want to take my dick again ?

Devki remained silent for quite some time and was thinking. So I asked again the same question to her. This time she winked at me and said, “Ok, that little hole will be waiting for you, but not today.”

I kissed her forehead. We looked at the clock and it was almost 6:00pm. By now our family members will be returning from the trip. Devki got up from the bed and went naked to the kitchen with her clothes in hand and said she will be preparing tea for both of us. I saw her limping to the kitchen. I was laughing in mind and thinking about all the kind of excuses which she has to give for her back pain.


D:) D:) D:) D:) D:) D:) D:) D:) D:) D:)  


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