Doctor fucked by patient

 This is one of the latest incident that has happened with me. It will be a long story as I will explain everything in detail.

I used to fuck a lot of women and girls and which made me to have some infection in my genitals. So I was looking for a detmatologist to get it cured. So after looking for about a week I got an appointment to a nearby dermatologist and it happened to be a lady. I got that appointment on saturday afternoon at 12Pm and the clinic was adjacent to a medical store.

On that day I went there at 12:25PM and saw 2 more people were waiting there. Around 1:10Pm the Doctor arrived and she seems quite young but couldn't see her properly as she was wearing a face mask. I was waiting for my turn and it was around 1:50 Pm the medical store was closing and the store owner informed to come after 5pm if we need medicine and he informed the same to the Doctor too and then he went away. After waiting there for around 40more minutes finally my turn came. I went inside and there a women in her early 30’s sitting in the chair. She is married as I can see her mangalsutra. I am including one of her picture here which I got from her WhatsApp dp.

she has attractive eyes and looks damn good. She asked me reagrding my issue and I informed her without any hesitation. She asked me to show her, to which I was little nervous.

Dr — Get on the bed and show me the affected area.

So I sat on the bed and lowered by pant a bit to show her the area. she wore gloves and examined the area with her hand and asked me to get an HIV test done.

As directed I have conducted the test and went to her again with the negative report. She then said that it is a minute skin issue which has occurred due to excessive sexual active. And she can help me to recover it but for that I need to go for 5 visit. I agreed and she gave me some initial medicines. In the mean time I was looking for her in social media but couldn't find her anywhere. Whatever DP she used to put I used to take a screenshot of that.

For my 2nd visit I went to the clinic and I was the only patient there. I was waiting for the doctor but she didn't arrived on time again. So the medical shop guy said me to wait in the clinic as the doctor will be coming from the hospital directly so she might take some time. Saying this he as usual closed the shop and went. That day the doctor arrived at 1:30pm and she apologized for coming late. As usual she asked me to get up and lay on the bed and lower my pants .

I did and same and she started appling some medicines on my lower abdomen and around the shaft of my dick. As she lowers her hand near the shaft it made me aroused and my dick started to grow. She noticed the buldge but didn't said anything.

Before my 3rd visit I was very much getting attracted by her beauty. Every now and then I used to see her DP. So finally I made the courage and texted her in Whatsapp praising her beauty to which she didn't replied anything although she has seen the msg. In my 3rd visit as usual I was on the bed lying and she was applying medicine and my dick was rock hard. I asked her about the improvements and to which she replied I need one more visit to completely cure it. I wanted to spend more time with her but there was no way I am getting that.

Before my 4th visit I again texted her in Whatsapp and this time she replied back with a smiley. So I got bit confidence from there. That day I was in her cabin and laying on the bed and as usual she was examining and was about to apply medicine I said I am feeling little uncomfortable with my shorts getting stuck on my shaft. She asked me to lower them a little bit more so that I can be comfortable. I glided my shorts bit below and this made 90% of my dick visible now. She didn't paid attention to that and Started applying medicine in my lower abdomen. As she glided her hands little downward she was almost touching my shaft. I was rock hard down there so I shifted in such a way that my entire dick was free from the pant. As soon as I did that my 6.5″ dick was infront of her standing like a pole.

I can see she is bit embarrassed seeing the dick but she suddenly grabed the dick with one hand and tried to enter it inside my shorts. Her hand felt awesome around my dick . seeing the opportunity I grabed her hand to which she was bit shocked.

Dr — What are you doing ?

Me — Pls hold on to itz it feels so good

Dr — Are you mad ? Do you know what you are saying.

Although she was saying all these but she had her grip on my dick. I didn't want to loose the moment and so pulled her towards me. It happened so fast that she didn't get the chance to do anything. So now she was holding my dick and was half on my. I can feel her warm breaths and I can even smell her beautiful perfume.

She regained her senses in couple of seconds and pushed me back. Now I can see her breathing bit heavily and she was sweating also. Her eyers were fixed on my and she said

Dr — I am your doctor and not your girlfriend. I am married so don't think about anything nasty.

I was thinking that she will scream on me but when she said all those things I understood that she is an unsatisfied lady and if I can ignite the fire in her little bit more she will let me fuck her. so I got up from the bed and went near her , my pants were now on the floor. So basically I had a tshirt on top and from bottom I was naked. As I went near her she kept going back towards her desk and finally she stood there and her her back avoiding eye concact with me .

I placed my one hand on her shoulder and the other on her back. This time she didn't pushed me so I came near to her ear and whispered to her to let it go. The doctor was again and again saying the same thing that she is married and this is all wrong.

I glided my hand from her shoulder to her chest and the other hand near her belly. My dick was now poking her over her dress from behind. I can now smell her sweat and I kissed her ear and whispered to her “ let me in". As I kissed her ear she gave up the entire weight of her body on me. I grabbed her left boob and at the same time started to kiss her ear and the region around. I understood I have found her weakness and so I kept on doing that. I opened her shirt’s upper two button and as i tried to open the third one she hold my hand and asked me not to open the shirt. I obliged to her wish and squeezed her boobs. I wanted to fuck her then only but she didn't let her pant to open. I grabbed her pussy region over the pant and rubbed the area. I can feel the wetness in that area. I again requested her to let me insert inside her. She again rejected my offer. After around 3–4 minutes of squeezing her boobs and licking her neck area she suddenly turned towards me and pushed me hard. She asked me to leave the clinic then and there otherwise she would scream. I was dishurtened but I didn't want to force her so grabbed my pant said sorry to her and left the clinic.

Next few days I kept on thinking about why she behaved suddenly like that, I even texted her in WhatsApp to which she didn't replied. I went to the clinic and asked for her appointment to which the clinic guy said she is out of town and they don't know when she will come back. I was feeling bit sorry for my activity. Like this 15–20 days had passed. Suddenly one night I got a msg from her that tomorrow she has booked an appointment for me and time will be 2:00Pm. That day she uploaded some pictures in her status

She seems hotter than before in those pictures.

Next day I knew that she would come late as usual so I went to the clinic around 2:20 Pm. As I approached the clinic I saw her coming out of the clinic and was about to lock the clinic door. I ran towards her and appologised for bit late. She smiled and we both went inside the clinic. I laid on the bed and started unzipping my pant to which she asked me to hault. She washed her hand , tied her hair and came near me. She then asked me to open my pant. I opened it and dragged it to my lower abdomen just above the shaft. She looked at me and said

Dr — Are you feeling shy on your last day of treatment ? I hope you remember I have seen you fully in your last visit.

Me — I remember everything.

Dr — ( grabbed my pant and slid it down to my knee) I need to look everywhere if there is any infection.

she checked my groin area and said

Dr — you have fully recovered, you can get back to your action again but be careful wash it after every intercourse.

While taking she kept her hand in my abdomen area just near my shaft. Gradually my dick started to act and it was semi errect to which she suddenly slapped my dick and said it is soo disturbing. That day also it created so much trouble. I looked at her and I said

Me — I want to do that trouble again.

Dr — ( looked at me, smiled) what you want, ur treatment is already over.

I hold her hand I said I want to have you and pulled her on me. This time she didn't resisted. I landed a kiss on her lips and within seconds we started to smooch. Now she climbed on top on the bed and was over me licking my tongue and smooching me. I inserted my hands in her pants and glided them down.

In next 10mins we both were busy removing clothes and licking each other. Finally she was wearing a panty only and I was fully nude. I wanted to insert her to which she pushed me in the bed and stated to give a handjob. I understood her intensions and pushed her back. Parted both her legs and started licking her pussy. It was dipping juices and I invested around 10–15 mins licking her , in the meantime she had orgasm twice. Then I came on top of her and was planning to insert my dick in her. She asked for protection to which I said I don't have any. She gave a chocolate flavoured durex condom from her purse. I asked her to insert that herself. She applied the confom on the dick and was just about to move I grabbed by her hair pulled it and inserted my dick in her mouth, she didn't resisted at all and sucked my dick like a pro.

After that I laid her on the bed and then inserted my dick in her. She uttered a moan as the dick made its way in her. Initailly I was fucking at a slow pace, I was giving one push and taking out the dick and then doing the same but she grabbed both her legs around my waist and was now not letting me pull out. As I increased my speed of thrusting her her moans started to become bit louder. I put my hand on her mouth and kept on fucking her. She almost inserted her nails on my back and made soo mach scratches. In the meantime her cell phone was ringing and she was asking me to finish quickly. But when she understood I am not going to fish fast she asked me to lay on bed. Now was was on top of me and riding like a pro.

Her juicy boobs were bouncing. She suddenly grabbed by throat and started to move very fast. I tried to grab her neck and she slapped me and kept on dominating the fuck session just like the image below

I donot have any other option than to submit to her dominance. After fucking for around 20mins finally I ejaculated. I didn't want to finish the session there but had to go as her husband was calling continuously. We both got dressed and I asked her when I can fuck her again to which she replied I will tell you in WhatsApp. I left the clinic and that night we both chatted a lot in WhatsApp. We both were eager to fuck again so we exchanged our nudes.

After that incident we have meet thrice outside and booked oyo and have spent some really fucking time over there. She asked me not to text her by myself as her husband might get suspicious.

I don't know how many of you will believe this but trust me fucking a married slutty doctor was on next level.


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