
Showing posts from May, 2023

Doctor fucked by patient

  This is one of the latest incident that has happened with me. It will be a long story as I will explain everything in detail. I used to fuck a lot of women and girls and which made me to have some infection in my genitals. So I was looking for a detmatologist to get it cured. So after looking for about a week I got an appointment to a nearby dermatologist and it happened to be a lady. I got that appointment on saturday afternoon at 12Pm and the clinic was adjacent to a medical store. On that day I went there at 12:25PM and saw 2 more people were waiting there. Around 1:10Pm the Doctor arrived and she seems quite young but couldn't see her properly as she was wearing a face mask. I was waiting for my turn and it was around 1:50 Pm the medical store was closing and the store owner informed to come after 5pm if we need medicine and he informed the same to the Doctor too and then he went away. After waiting there for around 40more minutes finally my turn came. I went inside and there

Cousin sister got fucked during marraige

The story that I am about to narrate has happened with one of my elder cousin. She has curly hair. very pretty and have amazing features. You can see from this image. It all happened when I took my friends for my cousins marraige. In village the houses the located at distance from each other. So we had stayed in a rented house and the marraige fuction was organised in a house around 5–7 kms from the place where we are staying. As it was a rented house so lot of ppl were sharing the same rooms. In ground floor we had 3big rooms and on first floor we had 2rooms. Elders have slept in ground floor. On 2nd floor in one room my younger cousin with her mom and few more relatives slept. In our room me, my friends slept on floor, on the bed my elder cousing her 1year old kid and my mausi has slept. Me and my two friends along with my cousins. We gossiped till midnight and all of us slept. After I guess around 2hrs I turned in my sleep and opened my eyes and saw one of my friend vicky was shaggi

Stranger in a bus

It happened when I was traveling alone from Pune to Bangalore in November last year. I boarded a sleeper bus and this is the first time I have seen a sleeper bus with shutters or u can say cabins.  Generally sleeper buses has curtains but this one had this shutter type door. Anyways I boarded the bus and I pulled the shutter, put my headphones on and started reading a book.The bus was soaring at speed and I don't know when I slept. Suddenly tapped my shoulder and I woke up to see a middle aged women standing there and asking me to move as she had the seat next to me. I shifted and was little confused as I don't know whether in sleeper buses people of opposite gender book tickets side by side. I didn't spoke anything with her. I took the book and was going through it. When she said that I need to close the light and she needs to sleep. As it was November so it was cold..I was having a blanket with me. She was wearing a pullover but while sleeping I noticed she took off that